2019-06-05 - Mulberry Street


~3.0 mi @ ~16 min/mi

"Mulberries!" Yukon pauses to pluck and snack on ripe fruit that overhangs the sidewalk. Dawn Patrol begins with a beeline to Starbucks for cold-brew almond-milk iced caffeine. We discover a new cut-through via the Capital One parking garage, thereby avoiding the need to traverse a hard-hat-only construction site.

"Maybe for homework your students could write machine-learning essay-grading code?" We discuss how to get free labor out of unwitting undergrads. Roadkill quotes David Stern's #1 life-lesson advice (cf HelpfulHomilies) — "Keep notes!" The new synthetic-surface ballfield at Westgate Park has a long list of rules. "No sunflower seeds? But other seeds are OK?"

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-06-28